I have a problem on building my app. When I set the "Linking" option in the android project settings to "None", everything works - but my app apk is really big. If I set the setting to "Sdk Assemblies Only" the build will fail and the VS2017 Error List shows "java.exe exited with code 1.".
If I try to archive the app anyway, the Archive Manager has a very small, non copyable, section at the bottom that shows a very long error with lots of paths the assemblies. I really like to post that here, but I would type a day or longer to copy this, but I cannot see any errors in there. The out ends like the message in the Error List "java.exe exited with code 1.".
I have everything updated to the latest version (27.0.2) via Nuget Package Manager. I am also using some other 3rd party libraries (Newtonsoft.Json, Com.OneSignal, HockeySDK.Xamarin, NControl, NGraphics, SkiaSharp, Xam.Plugins.Settings, Xamarin.GooglePlayServices). All of the are also up to date.
Anybody have any Ideas or had this issue also in the past?