I have a tabbed page with some tab.
In two of this tabs I have a list.
When a record is added/edited in the first list I need to refresh the second list,
because in the model of the second list there is a boolean property that take care to hide or not an image.
This behavior doesn't works.
If I set
SecondList = ObservableCollection<SecondClass>();
the second list is update correctly and it is show empty.
If I change the second list property ShowImage
the list isn't updated, the variable is, but the ListView isn't.
If I go on the second tab and add manually a record, the second list is correcty updated.
This is the code that I use for do this:
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<RigaDettaglioViewModel>(this, Costanti.ChiaviMessaggi.AggiornaListaRigheWo.ToString(), (sender) => {
RaisePropertyChanged(() => ListaWORighe); // Update the first list.
RaisePropertyChanged(() => ListaSpese); // Update the second list.
public void RaisePropertyChanged<T>(Expression<Func<T>> Property) {
var name = GetMemberInfo(Property).Name;
XAML (VolosBaseButtonView is a Grid that contains an Image view):
Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="4"
Icon="{core:Icona Warning}"
IsVisible="{Binding ShowImage}"
CommandParameter="{Binding .}"
Command="{Binding BindingContext.ApriInfoSpesaCommand, Source={x:Reference SpeseViewPage}}"/>
(the second list):
public ObservableCollection<WorkOrderDettaglioListaSpese> ListaSpese {
get {
ObservableCollection<WorkOrderDettaglioListaSpese> Lista = null;
if (WoDett.ListaSpese != null) {
var ListaOrdinata = WoDett.ListaSpese.Where(R => !Utility.FlagTrattAnnullato(R.FlagTratt)).OrderByDescending(R => R.DataSpesa).ToList();
// Devo controllare, per ogni spesa, se c'è un intervento in quella data, altrimenti NoInterventoInData = true;
Lista = new ObservableCollection<WorkOrderDettaglioListaSpese>(ListaOrdinata);
return Lista;
set {
WoDett.ListaSpese = new List<WorkOrderDettaglioListaSpese>(value);
RaisePropertyChanged(() => ListaSpese);
How can I update the list that are in the second tab correctly?
Thank you!
Link to the sample project.