I want to render xamarin forms view control into android textview.
Below customrenderer renders Android TextView on Android device with initial default text.
Now, If I add more text into it, this control would not grow in height but instead becomes scrollable to see the text not visible on screen.
On other way around, if I reduce text content, this control would not reduce in height and occupy the same space and show reduced text content on scree.
Issue : In this case of text change, this label should increase or reduce height on screen for Android. It is working fine on IOS as expected.
Here is a sample code.
class CopyableLabelRenderer : ViewRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.View> e)
var label = new TextView(MainApplication.Context);
label.LinksClickable = true;
label.Text = (e.NewElement as CopyableLabel).BindingText; // this line sets text into this label
catch (Exception ex)
var msg = ex.Message;
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (e.PropertyName.Equals("BindingText"))
TextView textView = this.Control as TextView;
textView.Text = (Element as CopyableLabel).BindingText;
Here is a base class,
public class CustomLabel : View
public static readonly BindableProperty BindingTextProperty = BindableProperty.Create("BindingText", typeof(string),typeof(View),
private int _fontSize;
private bool _request = false;
public string BindingText
return (string)GetValue(BindingTextProperty);
SetValue(BindingTextProperty, value);