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Maps and absolute layout problem



I have a standard forms map. This map is stored inside of an absolute view like this

var absMap = new AbsoluteLayout
                HeightRequest = App.ScreenSize.Height * .35,
                WidthRequest = App.ScreenSize.Width,

            map = new Map(new MapSpan(new Position(App.Self.Configuration.Latitude, App.Self.Configuration.Longitude), 
                    zoom, zoom))
                HasZoomEnabled = true,
                HasScrollEnabled = true,
                HeightRequest = App.ScreenSize.Height * .35,
                WidthRequest = App.ScreenSize.Width,
                MapType = MapType.Hybrid,
                IsShowingUser = true,


I then create an image an place that onto the map which is dead centre.

var imgPin = new Image
                Source = "pinned_location.png",
                HeightRequest = 30,
                WidthRequest = 30,
            var mapXMidPos = (App.ScreenSize.Width / 2) - (imgPin.WidthRequest / 2);
            var mapYMidPos = (absMap.HeightRequest / 2) - (imgPin.HeightRequest);
absMap.Children.Add(new AbsoluteLayout
                    Padding = new Thickness(mapXMidPos, mapYMidPos, 0, 0),
                    Children = { imgPin }

This is fine and works OK.

I now create another image and add it to the map

var imgPointer = new Image
                Source = "mylocation.png",
                WidthRequest = 30,
                HeightRequest = 30,
            var tapPointer = new TapGestureRecognizer
                NumberOfTapsRequired = 1,
                Command = new Command(() =>
                        if (!SettingsManager.LocationState)
                            DisplayAlert(LangResources.NoLocationMoveErrorTitle, LangResources.NoLocationMoveErrorMessage, LangResources.OK);
                                    new Position(myCoords.latitude, myCoords.longitude), Distance.FromMiles(.05)));

          var aPointer = new AbsoluteLayout
                Padding = new Thickness(App.ScreenSize.Width - 40, absMap.HeightRequest - 70, 0, 0),
                Children = { imgPointer }

Again, works fine - the only issue is that once I've added this second image, the map no longer moves around on the phone (it does though on the simulator but only if the absMap.HeightRequest - 70 is a number less that 75 - so 74 is fine).

I'm at a loss as to why the map doesn't move sometimes but does other times and why it only moves on the simulator and not my 6+.

Any ideas, clues or insights into why this should happen or better still, how the blooming heck to fix it?

The absMap and the rest of the screen UI is held in a StackLayout for rendering.



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